Working Principle:
Adapting the modernHi-teck method,this product can give out a kind of very peculiar super-lowelctro-magnetic wave speading through inside component and power line which canirritate the nervous and audio system of the cockroach , make them uncomforableand unpleasant and drive them away.Even some of cockroaches can not be awaytemporarily,they have lost their reproduction and violation energy.The frequencyof the super-low electromagnetic wave can be alternate and changeable,which cannot make the cockroach have "adaptability" and "immunity".
2.Usage andCoverage:
(1).Beside expelling thecockroache,it laos can expel the mouse,ant,spider,cricket,bug,flea,mothsetc.
(2).It can be widely usedin family,warehouse,shop,hotel,hospital,office etc.
(3).The effective area cancover around 100 sqm.
3.Operation Methods:
(1).Plug SD-050 intoAC220V/50Hz socket of the power line,the green LED will be lighting whichindicates SD-050 is working.
The electro-magneticwave will be giving out when the red LED flashing.The flashing speed of the redLED is synchronous with the frequencies of the electro-magnetic wave.
( 2).The product shouldbe used continously without stopping.
(1).AC220V/50HZ powersystem must be confirmed before using.
( 2).It should be usedindoors.Please keep the product from high temperature and moisture.
(3). The besteffectiveness will be seen after using it continously for 3-4weeks.The reason:it will take 3-4weeks for the cockroach's ovum to change into imago which canwalk about.At the beginning of using it,the cockroch may be running about,whichindicates that the cocktoach have been irritated and will disappearsoon.
5. TecknicalSpecifications
(1).Power Voltage:AC220V/50Hz
(2).Power Consulption: Nomore than 3W.
(3).Frequency :0.8Hz----8Hz Interval: 160"