Special Function:
1, Recycled, nosprays, no smell, no poison, no fumes, no mess. Without and side-effect or badreaction to human beings.
2, This is unitutilizing high-quality ultraviolet LED lamps to attract insect them into thegrill, which is then, eliminated by the high voltage current which runs through the electrified metal grids rear theLEDs.
3, Circuitrydesigned with limit of electric current, low energy loss and highefficiency.
Range of use and bestusage:
1, Suitable forbed room, dinner room, restaurants, hotels and office.
2, The effectivearea of this product is 20 square meters with correct using methods.
3, Away from strong lightand wind power, due to it is a device of low power, decorate, soporiferous blandlight and flowing current. Using method is important for efficiency. E.G. plugit into an electric socket before switch on
the light orswitch off all the strong lights for 20-30 minutes suddenly.
4, The bestlocation is at the entrance of doors or windows, please hang it on the height of0.80-1.20 meters and keep 0.30 meters away from the wall.
1, Keep awayfrom children. Do not touch the electrical grill by hands or electricalconductor.
2, If the LEDlamps is flashing, this means that the working voltage is lower than the ratedvoltage 110V/220V and it is not suitable to use. Only use when the voltage isnormal(AC110V/AC220V).
3, Do not use ina place where there are explosives.
4, Should oftenclean pests on the grid wires to improve the efficiency. Take donw the casing ofthe unit and use soft brush to clean it, do not put the unit intowater.
5, Do not putanything into the unit while it is plugged in.
Packing includes:
1, Mosquitokiller 1pcs
2, Instruction 1pcs
Rated Voltage: UL PIN:110V60HZ,GS or GS PIN:220-240V50HZ