MULTIPLEPEST REPELLER consists of efficient high frequency generators, transducer anddual speakers. To drive rodents and insects away electronically and intensively!The device is suitable for using in home, apartment, restaurant, school, office,basement or any indoor areas.
MULTIPLEPEST REPELLER is effective in controlling mice, rats, roaches, fleas, crickets,ants and most of the other common pests. Laboratory research has shown thatultrasonic sound waves attack the auditory and nervous systems of most commonpests causing them pain and discomfort. With up to 135 decibels of soundpressure, pests will give up their source of food, water and shelter and moveaway. These high-intensity sound waves are out of the range of hearing of humanbeings and most household pets.
REPELLER will not interfere with televisions, radios, electronic burglaralarms, fire or smoke detectors, pacemakers, hearing aids or other electronicequipment.
MULTIPLE PESTREPELLER is a device can emit auto-changed and auto-sweeping high intensityfrequency of 25,000Hz -65,000Hz from its dual speakers and /or frequency offrequency of 25,000Hz from transducer. The unique circuit design strikes theauditory and nervous systems of the pests strongly with its intensive and siderange of ultrasonic waves. This function is effective to drive pests away fromthe protection area speedily and to prevent pests from immunity to apre-selected single sweeping rate.
Thisitem effectively protects an area measuring 5,000-6,000 unobstructed square feetor 468-545 unobstructed square meters. MULTIPLE
PEST REPELLER is equipped with aswitch of four modes-DUO, TRANS, ULTRA, TEST. After plugging MULTIPLE PESTREPELLER in, you will be able to select the mode according to your actualrequirement.